Friday, July 5, 2013

Guess Who's Back


I know it's been over a week, but like I said in a post before, I was headed for the Gulf of Mexico to Galveston Island. It was tons of fun, but the vacation is over and I am now headed back. The whole time I was down there I kept saying I wanted to move down there. And it's true, I do want to move. I lived down there, yes it was for a summer, but I still call it home. My mother lived down there, and I used to go down there whenever I could. Long weekends, Christmas, Thanksgiving, I went down there if permitted. Anyways, I brought back a ton of shells, and I am planning on using them.

While down there I started to make a mesh bag, with my pink and lime green yarn, I hope I can finish it soon. Knowing me I will.

Well, I just wanted to update you guys on what I have been up to and that I am back. So expect more posts from me! Yay!
