Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Finding Friends Online

So today I tried something new. I found a group on MeetUp that is a knitting/crochet pack of females that mets up at the local Barnes and Noble by my house.

I have always had a hard time trusting people I met online, and I was nervous. My Aunt Kathleen, who sews for Celestial Yarn, tagged along with me and made the experience even better. It wasn't at all what I expected, they were very friendly and super nice. I even made a couple of friends! 

Either way, I think it was a great experience to share and I am looking forward to going back! 

I think it's a great thing to go outside your bubble of trust and open up to new people. Especially if you and the others share an interest. Then it's even more fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi I've a hard time meeting people too. I've a lot of health problems and am now housebound. I started crocheting last year but feel like giving up I've no friends and I'm isolated and I've no one to go to the shops for me to get like crochet stuff as my mum doesn't understand. I'd love to try American yarn as I love the multicoloured striping yarn but I can't get it here. I don't know what to do about crochet anymore. Maybe if I'd a few nice patterns. I hope you get sorted. Are you from uk or American
